Mixed Reality TOOLBOX TALKS 工地座談會

High impact experiences that quickly demonstrate safe and unsafe work in a variety of common scenarios.

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Eye Protection 眼睛保護

Dust, fragments, sparks, sweat and tool failure can all lead to serious eye injuries. Eye protection is critical and comes in many different styles; know what to look out for.

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Gloves 手套

Hands and fingers are most often injured at work. Why avoid cotton gloves? Why use latex gloves? Selecting the best glove for your job and make sure to wear them.

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Heat Stress 暑熱壓力

Heat stress is a silent killer! Avoid oveheating in confined spaces, learn recovery methods, avoid sunburn, and demonstrate how to read a thermometer and hygrometer.

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Pinch Points 捲夾點

See workers lift loose and large loads. Experience when a swinging load goes wrong. Avoid pinch injuries while moving small objects. See good communication and tag lines in action.

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Working at Height 高處工作

Learn safe use of a ladder and how to identify better options. Experience workers falling from improvised platforms or from multi story ledges. See workers in a ceiling void and assembling falsework.

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Top Tips 重點提示

Four posters with easy to remember safety directions and affirmations for workers. Be fit for work. Receive a briefing. Report unsafe conditions. Stop if a task is not proceeding as planned.


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    Dust 塵埃
    Worker using a jack hammer in a confined space, creating a lot of dust. Using enclosed eye protection and a face mask. Wash, don’t rub your eyes.
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    Fragments 碎片
    Worker using a large jack hammer, creating large fragments.
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    Sparks 火屑
    Three workers using grinders in the same space, one without eye protection. Bystanders also need protection.
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    Sweat 排汗
    Outside in the hot conditions, user experiences goggles fogging up. Clean your goggles.
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    Tool Failure 具損毀
    Worker using grinder to cut duct, disk jambs and explodes lodging in face mask.
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    Cotton Gloves 棉紗手套
    Hands and fingers are most often injured at work. Electrical worker wearing cotton gloves; too easily cut, too easily caught in power tools.
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    Latex Gloves 乳膠手套
    Worker laying tiles in bathroom and correctly wearing latex gloves.
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    Selecting Gloves 選用手套
    How to select the best glove for your particular job.
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    Wear Gloves 佩戴手套
    Worker on scaffolding removes gloves.
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    Collapse 休克
    Worker assists another who has collapsed in a confined space.
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    Drink Water 飲用水
    Worker recovering after collapse. Drinking water and sitting in front of a fan. Thermometer and humidity readings can be seen.
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    Working Outside 戶外工作
    Workers with extra sun protection on their safety helmets. Long sleeves to avoid sunburn.
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    Large Objects 大型物件
    Team of workers installing a large façade panel. Communicating well, keeping hands well clear, concentrating. Two points of view.
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    Lifting 吊運
    Two riggers lifting loose load of rebar with a crane. Controlling movement with tag lines. Use push rods rather than hands.
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    Small Objects 小型物件
    Preparing reinforcing in a concrete slab. Workers with the right gloves to avoid pinch injuries between lengths of rebar.
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    Swinging Loads 吊重物擺動
    Crane lifting waste bin with a mixed load. Worker standing too close and is struck as the load swings unpredictably.
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    Tag Lines 尾繩
    Worker removes the danger of getting caught in a coiled tag line by letting it swing over the edge. Installing a large façade panel from below.
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    Ceiling Void 天花板空隙
    One of the two workers have climbed into a ceiling void to reach the job.
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    Fall from Ledge 從邊沿下墮
    Worker is on a high ledge without a safety harness, when the board he is standing on is moved he falls.
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    Low Fall 低高度下墮
    Worker standing on a box to adjust a temporary light fitting and falls awkwardly after suffering an electric shock.
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    Platform Ladder 梯台
    Platform ladder is placed on uneven surface. Some site tidiness issues.
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    Safety Harness 全身式安全帶
    Two workers using safety harnesses on scaffold taking care to use approved anchorage points.
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    Side Facing Ladder 側向梯具
    The worker demonstrates many safe work procedures while assembling falsework. His only error is working over the side of the platform ladder.
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    Step Ladders 踏梯
    The worker is standing on the top rungs of a stepladder and falls because it is not correctly braced. There are several safer options to choose from in this scene.
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    Two Points Contact 兩點接觸
    Working from a high platform, initially grinding with one hand he then fits the proper handle so he can work safely.

Anywhere Safety.
Hong Kong
P: HK, Steve Rowlinson, (+852) 9469 9359
P: Sydney, Russell Lowe, (+61) 404 737 639